A B.S. degree or a B.A. degree in Biology at WVU provides you with a foundation across
the diverse subdisciplines within our field and gives you an appreciation of the
nature of living organisms and biological processes. If you wish to focus your biological
curriculum, you may choose from one of four areas of emphasis: neuroscience, the
study of the nervous system; genomics, an area of genetics focusing on the sequencing
and analysis of an organism’s genome; cell and molecular biology, how cells function
at the molecular level; or ecology and environmental biology, the scientific analysis
and study of interactions among organisms and their environments.
Click here for more information on undergraduate programs. For the suggested
courses for each undergraduate degree in biology, use the buttons below.
The WVU Department of Biology's graduate program develops students' abilities to think critically and analytically, to be creative and to excel at communicating their ideas to others. Our faculty conduct cutting-edge research in a number of areas and students in the department can expect to work at the forefront of their field.
Selected students are given a $3,500 stipend for eight weeks of research with a faculty mentor in the summer. An additional $2,000 is available for travel to a professional conference or for supplies.