Recent news tagged Biology from Eberly College of Arts and Sciences and West Virginia University. View all Department News on the Eberly College website.

5 students named WVU Mountaineers of Distinction

WVU biologist to study genes laying framework for whole body regeneration

Money trees: WVU researchers looking at local benefits from climate change fighting ability in Appalachian forests

New research unlocks the genomic mysteries of Parasitic Orchids using historical collections
Natural history collections provide irreplaceable resources in many arenas, both scientific and societal. These collections, including the WVU Herbarium, provide information on biodiversity, ecosystems, species distributions, climate change, and most recently, genomes.

Foundational STEM Collaborative holds inaugural symposium for faculty

WVU undergraduate students awarded Goldwater Scholarships to continue research

WVU neuroscience students pioneer new frontiers in undergraduate research

Students from across Eberly have been named Outstanding Seniors, Outstanding GTAs and Eberly Scholars

2024 Foundation Scholars includes Two Eberly College Students
Five exceptionally talented incoming West Virginia University freshmen whose academic interests span the fields of humanities, medicine and science are eager to use their curiosity, creativity and problem-solving skills to generate new ideas and innovative solutions for a better future as the 2024-25 WVU Foundation Scholars, the highest academic scholarship the University awards.