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Advising for Biology Students

Welcome! We look forward to guiding your academic journey in the Department of Biology and being a part of your success team!

Our team of academic advisors are here to help you with academic and career planning. Some of the team are also Assistant Teaching professors, so you may have one or more of us for your classes.

Your Academic Success Team

You and your advisor focus on your academic success. You may choose to include classmates, family and/or friends as part of your team too. Here are some expectations of how we can relate to each other to foster a healthy professional relationship. Please take the time to read them.

What you can expect from us

  • Be available: We typically respond to email 24-48 hours. A friendly reminder that some of us teach classes too, so we may be in class when you send us an email. We will also meet with you at least once every semester to discuss your academic progress and career goals.

  • Reach out: We will use email to communicate. We send reminders about deadlines, policies, check in with you, and tell you about opportunities.

  • Support you: We want you to succeed at WVU. We will give you feedback on your course selection and progress toward your degree. Please reach out when you have questions or concerns.

What we expect from you

  • Actively participate: You are in charge of your academic journey. This means that you select courses that meet your degree requirements and help you achieve your career goals (with feedback from us).

  • Use available resources: Please refer to your 4-year plan, the course catalog, and Degree Works to help you plan future semesters. Use the information on this website to troubleshoot registration issues. Use the Support page and the WVU Students website to find help for academic and non-academic concerns.

  • Ask for help : After you've tried your best to find information or resolve and issue and can't, then you should definitely ask us for help!

Quick Facts About Advising

Advising occurs twice per year. Scheduling usually takes place in March for the fall semester and October for the spring semester. 

Advising is arranged by individual classification types of advising. Student classifications are based on the number of hours that will be completed by the end of this term. It is recommended that students be advised prior to their priority registration date.

You will receive an email from your advisor with directions for making an appointment. You are expected to arrive a few minutes early to obtain necessary advising forms. The department will then release the registration hold. Please allow 24 hours for the hold to be lifted. Learn how to schedule and prepare for your advising appointment

It is very important that you make and keep advising appointments. Most faculty are on nine-month appointments and are not available in the summer for exception approvals; students who choose not to meet with their advisor during priority registration may have registration issues later and reduced class availability.

It is your responsibility to keep track of your progress and to make sure they are meeting University and department degree requirements. Requirements for both levels may be found in the Academic Catalog and in DegreeWorks. 

Please use Schedule Builder to prepare a tentative schedule with the courses you are interested in taking the upcoming semester. If you are a senior, please research potential capstone courses to discuss your options accordingly.

Students planning for graduation must complete a graduation review application in STAR. Forms for graduation review are available from the  Eberly College Officeof Undergraduate Studies.

Major thanks to our main contributor to the creation and information provided for the Biology Advising webpage goes to Dr. Amaris Guardiola.  It is with her permission that we used the layout and information from her advising webpage to create these pages for all Biology students and advisors.