Not every course is offered every semester, so please plan accordingly. Please take note of the few major core courses listed below. Please note that course offerings can change without notice, so it is important to always check the schedule.
BIOL 115/115L
Offered Fall, Sprin g and Summer -
BIOL 117/117L
Only offered Spring and Summer -
BIOL 219/219L
Only offered in the Summer and Fall semesters -
BIOL 221, BIOL 320 or BIOL 321 and 327
Only offered in the Spring semester
Help making changes to DegreeWorks
You can change major, minor, and/or biology degree type
Please reach out to us with the information for the change. We need to submit paperwork to make the change you are requesting.
You do not need to meet with us if you are sure about the changes you want to make in DegreeWorks.
If you are a bit uncertain about changes you are considering, we would be happy to meet with you.
Help with unexpected situations or extenuating circumstances
What if a serious situation arises that requires me to miss class?
Please contact the Office of Campus and Community Life at 304-293-5611 for short-term situations such as serious illness or death of a family member. They can inform your professors that you will absent if you are unable to do so yourself. This is not an excused absence, but it does remove the stress of you trying to contact all your professors during an extreme circumstance.
If you have a chronic illness, you may want to consult with the Office of Student Accommodations at 304-293-6700
What if I need to withdraw from the semester?
Please email your advisor so that we can talk about your concerns.
Check the withdrawal policies for more information on dropping a class or withdrawing for the semester.
Help with academic concerns and financial aid
What if I am unsure about my major or minor?
It's normal to periodically think about how your major and/or minor align with your career goals as well as reflect on whether your career goals have changed.
To find out more information about a different major or minor, you can complete a "What-If analysis" in DegreeWorks to see the requirements. You can then email your advisor or make an appointment so that they can help you think about your options based on what you learned from the What If analysis.
What happens if I earn a D or F in a class?
The D/F repeat policy is a way for you to repeat a course and boost your GPA if you do well on your second attempt.
This is because the grade for your second attempt counts towards your GPA while your first attempt is not included in your GPA. However, there are several requirements:
The course can only be repeated at WVU locations.
Second degree students may only D/F repeat courses attempted for their second degree
Please review the complete D/F repeat policy.
Please note that repeating a course may negatively impact your financial aid eligibility with regards to Satisfactory Academic Progress.
Learn more about how students must maintain minimum SAP standards to remain eligible for financial aid.
Your advisor can help you determine whether and which semester you should D/F repeat a course to ensure you meet the minimum completion rate required by the SAP standards.
How does withdrawing from a class affect my financial aid?
Please contact the WVU Hub and your advisor before you withdraw from a course to understand the potential impacts on financial aid and satisfactory academic progress (SAP).
Please learn more about the impacts of withdrawing from a course.
Please learn more about how students must maintain minimum SAP standards to remain eligible for financial aid.
What are the renewal requirements to maintain my financial aid?
Please contact the WVU Hub with specific questions about your financial aid. Below is general information about renewal requirements for:
What if my first semester didn't go well?
If you are a first-year student and ended the fall semester with a GPA of below a 2.0, then you qualify to participate in the Mid-Year Academy program. This program provides you guidance and support to help you get off academic probation. Mid-Year Academy for the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences.
Help with registration and course schedules
Registration issues
See the Registration help page for answers to questions about registering for courses at WVU.
How do I transfer courses to WVU?
If you took dual credit, AP exams, or are a transfer student you can learn more at Transfer | Office of the University Registrar | West Virginia University.
How do I register for and transfer coursework in from another college or university?
Transient coursework refers to courses that you take at another college or university while you are a student at WVU Morgantown. You should have a discussion with your advisor about whether taking transient coursework makes sense for your situation. If so, then you need to complete paperwork based on where you want to take transient coursework.
Taking courses at another WVU system campus
If you want to take a course at WVU Institute of Technology in Beckley or WVU Potomac State College in Keyser while you are a student at WVU Morgantown, then please complete the WVU System and Dual Campus form.
Taking courses at a different college or university system
If you want to take a course at a different college or university system, then please complete the necessary paperwork before you enroll in a course at a different college or university.
To transfer coursework from other colleges/universities to WVU, you will need to complete a transient application form.
First search for the course that you want to take in the transfer database. If the course you plan to take is not in the transfer database, then you should not assume that it will transfer into WVU.
Use the domestic transient application for courses at another U.S. college/university. The international transient application form is for international colleges/university.
Use the transfer course database link at the top of the form to find your course.
If you can't find your course in the transfer database, then you first need to complete a Transfer Equivalency Review Request (TERR) before submitting a transient application form.
How do I view my course schedule?
Use STAR to view your course schedule
How can I tell if my course is online? What if there is no meeting time for my course?
The Course delivery formats explains how to identify your course format on your schedule. Typical formats include in-person, hybrid, online synchronous, and online asynchronous.