You have a lot of choice when it comes to general elective courses (GEF) and biology elective courses. Use the tips below to find courses that are available to you. Use the help with registration issues and errors to troubleshoot any registration issues that you encounter.
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- Tips to select classes that are available to you
- Help with registration errors or problems
- General registration questions
Tips to select classes that are available to you
Schedule Builder and the Schedule of Courses on STAR show you all the courses taught in the WVU system. By carefully selecting your search settings, you can filter for the courses that are open to you.
Campus selection
In Schedule Builder, please make sure that you only select WVU Courses (Morgantown Campus) and Online Campus Course (optional if you want to look for online classes). Instructions for campus selection in Schedule Builder.
Course status
Select open classes only to avoid the prerequisite and test score error message for linked courses such as a lecture and lab when you go to register.
If Schedule Builder is unable to generate schedules, you may consider looking for courses that have waitlist by changing this option to Open & Full w/Waitlist Open. You may get a prerequisite and tests core error for linked courses such as lecture and lab when you go to register.
Select the semester that you want to enroll in classes. If you are registering for summer and fall semesters, you will need to search for courses for each semester separately.
Section options
A friendly reminder that you can't register for sections that are restricted, which means they are not available to you. Please pick a different section or course.
Section numbers are informative. Most section numbers contain only numbers. Some start with letters. Filter each class in Schedule Builder for specific sections.
Sections that start with the number 4 are on Evansdale campus, for example 401.
Sections that start with the number 7 are online, for example 702. Some online courses are restricted to certain majors or minors. You can't register for them unless you are in a specific major or minor.
Sections that start with letters
M: Major restricted. You can't register for that section unless you are in that major or minor. Some programs restrict courses to majors only during the pre-registration priority period. Then those courses become available to minors.
H: Honors section. This section may only be open to students in the Honors Program.
P or T: campus restricted. P is a section for students at Potomac State only and T is a section for students at WVU IT only.
Help with registration errors or problems
What do I do if there is a hold on my account?
Please read the registration errors and messages for an explanation of what the type of hold means and what you need to get the hold lifted.
What do I do if I get an error message?
Getting an error message during the registration process is normal because a class may be full or you accidentally selected a section or course that is restricted, meaning that it is not available to you.
Common errors
Prerequisite and test score error even though you have met the prerequisite.
- Registering for linked courses such as lecture and lab: If one course that is linked is full, even if you are on the waitlist, you won't be able to register for either course. Please select a different section that still has seats available.
- Registering for summer and fall semesters: If you recently registered for summer courses at WVU using Schedule Builder, then delete your browser history (cache), log back into Schedule Builder, and register for your fall classes.
- Taking prerequisite course for transient credit: If you are taking the prerequisite course over the summer at a different college or university, then you won't be able to register for the course until the University receives your transcript. Register for a different course that is degree pursuant and adjust your schedule after DegreeWorks shows you completed the prerequisite course.
Level restriction means you can’t take the course because you aren’t at the correct level yet (such as junior or senior). Please select a different section or a different course if you are trying to register for a GEF, general elective, or a course for your minor.
Not permitted to register in this course means you aren’t part of the major, minor, or program. For example, you can’t register for sections that begin with M. Please select a different section or a different course if you are trying to register for a GEF, general elective, or a course for your minor.
Additional errors
Please read the list of registration errors and messages before you email me. This list contains an explanation of most errors you might encounter.
Remember to use the notes in DegreeWorks to identify an alternative GEFs or a course for your minor, if you have one. You can use the course catalog to identify general electives.
What if I can't register for a class because it is full?
As a science major, please prioritize taking the math and science courses we selected during your advising meeting.
- If there is a scheduling conflict between available sections of biology and chemistry courses, please check the note in DegreeWorks to know which one you should prioritize registering for. Email me if you are still unsure.
- You can sign up for a waitlist for some 100 and 200 level biology, chemistry, math, physics, and English courses. You can check the waitlist FAQ for a list of courses that offer a waitlist. Signing up on a waitlist is no guarantee that you will be able to take that course.
- Please check your DegreeWorks notes for any alternative courses mentioned in the notes. If there aren’t any recommendations, then use DegreeWorks to identify a potential alternative by identifying courses that you still need to take.
General registration questions
When can I register for classes?
Your pre-registration date is based on hours earned and hours in progress for this semester.
The University uses Time Ticketing for registration, which is an assigned time on your registration day when you can begin to register. You are free to register at any time after your time ticketing time slot. Your time ticketing time slot will appear in DegreeWorks about a week before registration begins.
If necessary you can adjust your schedule after your pre-registration date.
How do I register for classes?
You can use Schedule Builder to generate schedules and pick the one that works best for you. View the Schedule Builder User Guide for steps to create a schedule.
You then use STAR to complete the registration process.
What if I need to change my schedule after we have met for advising?
Use the information in DegreeWorks to make minor adjustments such as deciding to take a different GEF that you still need or taking an alternative course that we listed in the notes section of DegreeWorks.
Please let your advisor know by email of major adjustments we might need to make to your schedule such as needing to repeat a course or changing several classes on your schedule.
How do I drop or add a class? How do I change sections for one of my classes?
If you are making minor adjustments such as dropping a class and replacing it with a different course then using STAR tends to be easier. See " How do I register and schedule my courses online?" for instructions on how to use STAR.
How do I register for and transfer coursework in from another college or university?
We should talk about whether taking transient coursework makes sense for your situation.
Learn more about transient coursework.