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Visit the Herbarium

The WVU Herbarium is open to visitors by appointment, Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm. If you are interested in seeing the collection or understanding more about how a herbarium works, please contact us for more information. We can accommodate both individual and group visits (up to 15 persons).

The herbarium is located in the basement of the Life Science Building, on WVU’s Downtown Campus (for directions visit the campus map search for Life Sciences). The building is accessible by bus and the PRT; limited parking may also be arranged.

The herbarium can be accessed from anywhere in the building by taking the elevators to the basement. Alternatively, there is also entry to the basement through the loading dock doors at the West side of the building; follow the corridor to the end, and the herbarium is on the right.

Scientists may request specimen loans via their sponsoring herbarium. Label data files, as available, can also be provided.