Rachel Morris
Research Interests:
The ongoing nutrient dialogue between symbionts and hosts helps paint a picture of their evolutionary history, specifically within endosymbioses. Tsetse flies provide an invaluable model system for investigating symbiont-host communications and represent the causative agent of African trypanosomiases. Investigations into tsetse's symbiont-host integration can provide important context towards tsetse biology and targets aimed at pesticide design.
The ongoing nutrient dialogue between symbionts and hosts helps paint a picture of their evolutionary history, specifically within endosymbioses. Tsetse flies provide an invaluable model system for investigating symbiont-host communications and represent the causative agent of African trypanosomiases. Investigations into tsetse's symbiont-host integration can provide important context towards tsetse biology and targets aimed at pesticide design.
Awards: 2023 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow
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