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Donna Ford-Werntz, Ph.D.

Service Professor, Director of the Herbarium


304-293-0794 5230 Life Sciences Building 

Categorized As

Role: Faculty,
Research Areas: Plant Science,
Ford-Werntz' interest in plants germinated during childhood and took root as a high school volunteer in the University of Cincinnati herbarium. She studied botany in college, focused on plant systematics, with major fieldwork in Chile. Her current faculty role is WVU Herbarium Specialist, where extensive curatorial tasks have flourished under her direction, blossoming as a computer database of West Virginia specimen labels. Ford-Werntz co-authored the Checklist and Atlas of Vascular Flora of West Virginia and the West Virginia FloraID software program. She has brought to fruition various funded projects, including West Virginia floristic research and WVU Herbarium digitization.  

PhD, Plant Systematics, Washington University (St. Louis), Missouri Botanical Garden, 1992
MS, Plant Biology, University of Michigan, 1985
BS, Botany & Mathematics/Statistics, Miami University (Ohio), 1982

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