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Dana Huebert Lima, Ph.D.

Teaching Professor, Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies and Director of the Undergraduate Intercollegiate Biochemistry Program


304-293-3645 4208 Life Sciences Building 

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Teaching Interests

Dr. Dana Huebert Lima educational philosophy is founded in the idea that students at all levels should become creative and critical thinkers who can apply theoretical models and toward broad social and interdisciplinary contexts. In the biology department, she has coordinated the required Cellular and Molecular Biology (BIOL 219 and BIOL 219L) course and lab for several years. She has also taught Epigenetics (BIOL 415), Virology (BIOL 312), Genomics (BIOL 420), Communicating Natural Science (BIOL 315). These courses are designed to teach both biological content and transferable scientific skills.

Research Interests

Dr. Huebert Lima’s research has focused on epigenetic regulation of gene expression. Early in her career, she investigated how the position and types of histone modifications contributed to gene expression and cell differentiation. Her Ph.D. thesis research (University of Wisconsin – Madison, 2011) explored the interaction between nucleosome position, transcription factor binding and mRNA expression genome-wide as yeast responded to environmental changes.

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