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Dr. Amy Welsh

3:30 PM
Life Science Building rm. G23

Decoding Nature: Genomic Approaches to Fish and Wildlife Conservation: Our planet is currently undergoing an extinction crisis, with some arguing that we’re entering the sixth mass extinction.  As species are often forced to persist in small, isolated, and fragmented habitats, we see the effects on genetic diversity.  Populations of conservation concern often have experienced a loss of genetic diversity and higher rates of inbreeding, which can have potential fitness consequences.  As a result, active management is more frequently required to recover these species.  In this presentation, I’ll be highlighting several case studies illustrating the utility of genomic approaches to fish and wildlife conservation and the refinement of management strategies.  Elk have been reintroduced to West Virginia and we have used genomic approaches to assess their diversity and develop risk scores for brainworm mortality.  Otter were also reintroduced to West Virginia and we have used metabarcoding to resolve a human-wildlife conflict facing this native species.  Finally, we have used genomics to guide stocking efforts for the preservation of a native strain of walleye.  Through the integration of genomics into management strategies, we are working to conserve and restore native species throughout the state.